It's a Push and a Pull!

I’m writing this a few days later than usual, mainly because I’ve been way too busy this week, it has meant I’ve actually been able to get basically an actual full month of PBs in this rather than the usual two thirds.

Anyway, if you read this you’re obviously interested in what our Athletes are doing, so…

15 year old Cons been making great progress in his sessions and has recently hit a Kettlebell Front Squat PB of 20kg a hand for a set of 6 along with a Trap Bar Deadlift of 42.5kg x8. These are huge for Con as he hates training lower and much prefers a good bro sesh.

Joe strength has been sky rocketing recently which has lead to PBs in the Deadlift of 230kg x5, Squat 260kg x1 & Push Press of 125kg & 130kg x3. Now Joes hit a PB in the Squat we’ll fully be turning our attention to the Deadlift and pushing hard towards Joes long term goal of a 300kg Deadlift. I also have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Joe will Push Press 140kg sooner rather than later as he made 130kg look like a toy.

Tall Paul has been putting in the work and hit PBs of 88kg x3 in the Push press & 125kg x3 in the Squat. One of Pauls big goals is a 100kg Push Press which we’re on track for if we nail 90kg x3 next week.

Taj is starting to make some big progress in his Olympic lifts hitting Snatch PBs of 40kg x2 & 42kg x1 which was followed by PBs the following week of 42kg x2 & 44kg x1 in a Snatch with a Pause at Mid Thigh. Clean & Jerk strength is coming on nicely too with PBs in the Front Squat of 70kg x5 and Clean & Jerk of 50kg for 2+1. Lastly Taj has made great progress in probably his most hated lift hitting a PB Push Press of 63kg. As a long limbed lifter Tajs proportions don’t help him in weightlifting but they also don’t stop him moving forward.

Jenesis hit a new Snatch PB of 25kg x1 and was very happy! I was also very happy.

Big Jo has had some issues with his knees recently, which is where the Strict Log PBs of 90kg & 95kg have come from. I’m a big believer in training how you can around problems. As those knee issues subsided the extra strength overhead payed off and Jo hit rep PBs in the Push Press of 107kg x4 & 110kg x3. Jo also Squatted 180kg for a set of 5 for a new 5RM. There is literally no downside to training what you can safely around injury or discomfort rather than just stopping completely.

For Liam P you’re getting a list 😂… He’s had a great month!

  • Deadlift - 205kg x3

  • Deadlift - 210kg x4

  • Bench - 90kg 5x5

  • Squat - 152.5 3x2

  • Incline Bench - 90kg x5

  • Deadlift - 215kg x3

  • Squat - 152.5kg x3

  • Incline Bench - 95kg x3

  • Bench - 100kg - x5

  • Deadlift - 220kg x2

  • Bench - 102.5kg x4

Jen improved her competition lifts this month taking PBs in the Snatch of 37kg and C&J of 55kg.

15 year old Cori has been on a tear with his deadlifts recently hitting PBs of 140kg x5 on the axle and 145kg x4, 147.5kg x3, 150kg x3 & 155kg x3 on a barbell. One of the things we’ve been focussing on for Coris deadlift is pushing with the legs swell as pulling and the difference in starting speed is apparent when he does that. If you lack floor speed in the deadlift, outside of just cueing that ‘push’ leg extensions can help. Cori also hit PBs in the Front Squat of 65kg x5 and Farmers of 90kg per hand for 20m.

We focus on Touch and Go Deadlifts for George C at the minute as it stops the spasms and tightness he gets in his back when he releases tension and it’s leat to PBs of 200kg x3, 205kg x3 & 207kg x2… His max was 200kg. See what I mean about training around issues? The lack of spasms also means he’s been able to push Farmers harder than he has done before and thats lead to PBs of 115kg x20m and 125kg x10m. George and I are working with a top notch physio in Darren Finnegan at Pro Health Physio to make sure we fix the issue. I’m not working or making decisions alone that are out of my scope of practice.

George F hit some nice PBs of 120kg x3 in the Axle Push Press and a gym PB of 270kg x5 on the Deadlift before UKNS Finals. Unfortunately George had to pull out of UKNS Finals after the second event due to back issues. He’s now taking it easy, looking to get healthy and will be coming back next year with some unfinished business.

Johnny has had a great run in fr BNSF British Finals hitting a PB in Log CTOH of 120kg for 1+5 and a new 1RM on Axle FTOH of 130kg. Johnny also competed at UKNS Brits, taking an event win in the overhead medley and coming 3rd overall in the U105s stamping his ticket to UKNS Worlds in September. Johnnys come a long was since BNSF Northern Qualifiers in 2022 where he came 6th.

Right, thats it, i’ve gave you plenty of information there, you just need to extrapolate it. If you missed it, if you have floor speed issues in the Deadlift that aren’t positional, Leg Extensions can help.

Until Next Time
